Festival program 2024

This page contains a complete listing of the musical concerts, talks, workshops, crafts, meals, and dances, together with links to a presentation of each artist/talk/event.

This page also contains links to a program table for each day of the festival for an easy overview of all that is happening during the festival days.

The festival program is subject to change without previous notice due to planning and organization. Please check (and update) this festival program page frequently to keep up with changes and to stay updated.

Wednesday, July 17

19.30: Come Together, Dinner in the garden

23.00: Fire show
Location: The bridge at the crossing Glasbruksvägen/Potatisgatan

Thursday, July 18

08.30: Breakfast in the garden

12.00-13.00: Lunch music with various troubadours in the Newly opened Musikcaféet. Bring your own food or buy coffee from someone on site.
Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

13.00: Lunch in the garden

13.00-14.30 (15.00): Linedance workshop with Hanne Elisabeth Thrane. Assistant instructor is Lise østerberg on the newly renovated Cinema floor in Folkets Hus.
Location: Folkets Hus, Glasbruksvägen 26, Åfors

15.00-16.00: Concert with Polyhymnia
Location: Willis old store , Glasbruksvägen 63, Åfors

18.00-19.00: Gong Bath (meditation). Fee 100:-SEK or 3 Potatoes.
Location: Djembe Center, Glasbruksvägen 57, Åfors

19.30: Dinner in the garden

20.30: Tune Up Organ Trio.
Location: The Solanum Stage.

22.00: Cosmic-Grey. Possibly Extra concert for the Aerial silk performance.
Location: The bridge at the crossing Glasbruksvägen/Potatisgatan

22.15: Aerial silk climbing by Arvid Leggedör
Location: The bridge at the crossing Glasbruksvägen/Potatisgatan

23.00-01.00: Electronic music early (test) opening with live performers and DJ’s
check presentations for more info
Location: Paradise Organic Dome

Friday, July 19

08.30: Breakfast in the garden

10.30 Five Rythm Dance worshop with Mona Halldin
Location Solanum dance stage.

12.00-13.00: Lunch music with various troubadours in the Newly opened Musikcaféet. Bring your own food or buy coffee from someone on site.
Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

13.00: Lunch in the garden

13.00-14:30 (15.00): Linedance workshop with Hanne Elisabeth Thrane. Assistant instructor is Lise østerberg on the newly renovated Cinema floor in Folkets Hus.
Location: Folkets Hus, Glasbruksvägen 26, Åfors

14.00-15.00 (or longer) Grafics workshop with Jonas Gamper.
Wood and Linoleum carvings and prints, and/or Silk screen print
Limited number of participants approx 5 people.
Location:The main house

14.30-15.30 Beekeeping conventional versus TopBar Hive.
Talk with Tessan Norderman
Location: Talk zone

15.00-16.00: Björn Merker , brain researcher and music anthropologist, describes parts of his extensive research on the musical development of mankind and shows examples with sound and image. He also appears in the film shown in the evening.
Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

16.00: Plesen Kollektive Berlin.
Location: Solanum stage

16.00-17:30: Spoon playing workshop with Lise østerberg
Location: Willis Old Store, Glasbruksvägen 63, Åfors

17.00: Willowi
Location: Solanum booth

18.00-18.30 Åfors Djembe Jam
Location: Solanum

18.30-19.15 Cosmic Navigator
Location Solanum Stage

19.30: Dinner in the garden

20.00-21.00: Lucky People Center International is a ground-breaking film from 1998 by the electronic music collective of the same name: “The film is a kaleidoscopically diverse journey in rapidly changing sequences. Existential questions are at the center, and indigenous peoples from around twenty countries in different parts of the world are contrasted with modern Western society.”

Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

21.30: Drop of Shaman
Location: The Garden Stage.

23.00: Fire show
Location: The bridge at the crossing Glasbruksvägen/Potatisgatan

23.00-05.00: Electronic music night with live performers and DJ’s
check presentations for more info
Location: Paradise Organic Dome

Saturday, July 20

08.30: Breakfast in the garden

12.00-13.00: Lunch music with various troubadours in the Newly opened Musikcaféet. Bring your own food or buy coffee from someone on site.
Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

13.00: Lunch in the garden

14.00-14.45: Stand-Up (Main language Swedish) about Doves, Pigs, Blue Tits and Ticks.
Location: Fireplace

14.30-15.30 (or longer) Grafics workshop with Jonas Gamper.
Wood and Linoleum carvings and prints, and/or Silk screen print
Limited number of participants approx 5 people.
Location:The main house

15.00-16.00: Concert with Musicae Åfors
Innocent Pastime, Entertainment in the the cottages throughout times.
Location: Villis Old Store, Glasbruksvägen 63, Åfors

15.30-16.30 Plesen Kollektive Berlin.
Location: Paradice Organic Dome

17.00-18.00:The  Saga of Bo Hansson
Location: Garden Stage

18.30: Miir Musiqant
Location: Solanum

19.30: Dinner in the garden

20.00: Jordmån Folk Music
Location: The Solanum Stage.

20.00-21.00: Evening concert with quiet meditative acoustic music.
Location: Musikhuset 29:an Glasbruksvägen 29

21.00-22.00: Åforsgruppen
Location: Garden Stage

22.00: Drop of Shaman Main concert.
Location: Aqua Stage.

22.15: Flying Pole show by Arvid Leggedör
Location: The bridge at the crossing Glasbruksvägen/Potatisgatan

23.00-05.00: Electronic music night with live performers and DJ’s
check presentations for more info
Location: Paradise Organic Dome

Sunday, July 21

12.00: Mega Brunch in the garden